Metal devices

Juxtaposition of industrial?/masculine?/strong? materials against the wax which is presented by myself as a fluid, fragile and pure material.

Hinges screwed into the side of the wax sculptures, used as a device in order to attach the two sides of the wax to one and other to make a 3 dimensional model.

Perhaps used on the base of the shell for practicality (if it was to be free standing) and then subtlety on the side surfaces for an aesthetic appeal.

To connect the prints and the sculpture to each other, to create the installation and ‘experience’ I require my work to present, the materials need to be physically connected in appearance. For example if I were to be using the hinges on the sides of the wax as well as having the prints held in metal frames, or hung with metal rope, the pieces could compliment each other. fullsizeoutput_9b

Image result for butt hinges

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